A very warm welcome to our dear friends Edna and Martin Tuckwood who join our Board of Trustees and a big thank you to Leah Bond who due to commitments has had to step down.
The Lynwood Fellowship which is so dear to our hearts, has a programme that is awesome for 2019. It is diverse and offers a range of subjects that will hopefully have something for everyone. We have new speakers to Lynwood that we are very excited to bring to you as well as returning friends of Lynwood with their amazing gifts.
We are so fortunate to be able to host the programmes that we do, but we need your ongoing support to do so. If you are part of a group or organisation that you think would enjoy what we do, please spread the word. If you need posters regarding seminars than let me know and I will get something to you.
We look forward to seeing as many of you as possible throughout the year at our seminars. Meanwhile I wish you all the courage to meet your challenges that you meet with in 2019.
The 2018/9 Gallery
Book Review
Mike who for anyone who does not know, is one of our trustees. He has been quietly writing and at all the seminars when he was “off to write up my notes” little did we know this book was in the making. It is a great read and a super gift so why not show him your support and order your copy now.
Mike’s journey began with spiritual healing, and led into visiting spiritualist centres in England, Wales, Scotland and Sweden. His experiences sparked a desire to join various circles and experience literally hundreds of seances and hearing those addressed by those in spirit. Since his first tentative steps into the world of spiritualism, he has witnessed transfiguration, physical mediumship, and was involved in `rescue work’. He has seen many mediums giving fine examples of mental mediumship, and gained awareness of clairvoyance and clairsentience for himself. Andrew has also had the wonderful adventure of having spirits use him for psychic art. Equipped with his new knowledge, Andrew now realises that events in his life have been symbolic and a sign that his spirit guide has been with him throughout his life. He now wishes to share the same message of positivity and hope with others. An Ordinary Life…? is an excellent introduction to spiritualism from a personal viewpoint, and will provide encouragement for those who have been seeking deeper meaning in their own lives.
Remembering Those who have Passed
George Charalambous– Raised funds for Lynwood over the years making marmalade and fruit loaves to sell at the seminars. He was very persuasive, and we loved him for it.
Peggy Richards—Jan Elliot’s mum—Also helped raise funds for Lynwood over the years by knitting beautiful dolls for raffle prizes. She also contributed lovely poetry and articles for our newsletter. She reached the grand age of 101
Rod Atkinson– Was a trustee for a time and brought fun and laughter with him to the seminars. He was certainly a character. Sadly due to health conditions he had not been able to attend Lynwood for some time.
In our Prayers
News about our dear friend Audrey Bayes.: Many of you will be aware our dear friend Audrey had a stroke. Bringing you up to date, she is now at home and recovering slowly. Please place her in your healing prayers.
Absent healing
Christine & Tara Andrews, Co Down NI
Anja, Stanley, Perth & Kinross
Jane Atkinson, Stockton
Sue Atkinson & family
Ellen Barret, Scunthorpe
Cynthia Ball, St Ives Cambs
Audrey & Alec Bayes, Newby
Sandra Bell, Inverclyde
Diane Brookfield, Lytham St Annes
Julie Browne, Newry, Co Down NI
Emma Buchanon, Whetstone
Avril Charalambous, Harrogate
Sandra Chebbout, Isleworth
Vince, Cober Hill
Agnes Davies, Merseyside
Barbara Davis, Maidenhead
Mike Doig, Castle Douglas
Kathleen Mary Dunford
Glen Elkins, Scarborough
Jan Elliot, Scarborough
Kathryn Erlich, Barnet
Val & Ken Foster, Birmingham
Peter French, Castle Douglas
Geoff, Thurmaston
Mary & Brian Gledhill, Scarborough
Mandy Grange
Peter Hague, Whetstone
Ken Hannon, Birmingham
Harry Hartley & family, Whitby
Peter & Juliet Henry, Co, Down NI
Garry Hepple, Scarborough
Sylvia Hobro, Billingham
Barbara Hodge
Carol Lucas, Scarborough
Susan McGarry
David Marks, Allerthorpe, York
Julia Merrigan, Hemel Hempstead
Julie O’Doherty, Enfield
Kathy O’Rorke, Dunning
Kenneth Pegg
Rob, Adora, & Robbie Ryder, Hartlepool
Peggy June Rose, Scarborough
Jeffrey Richards, Lancaster
John Sancroft, Dorset
Mr & Mrs A Scott, Castle Douglas
Elma Sinclair, Luncarty
Euphen Springate, Cumbria
Jock St John Foti, Blackpool
Michelle St John Foti, Blackpool
Alan Stuttle, Scarborough
Fred Threadgill, Wallasey
Alison Webster, Enfield
Ron White, Kirkcudbright
Harry Wigg, Potters Bar
Andrew Wright, Cumbria
Jenny Wykes, Leicester
Looking Forward to 2019

With thanks to our Trustees