A harbour is a safe haven for seafarers, a place where they can relax without always having one eye on the weather, where they can see family and loved ones, where stores and cargoes can be loaded before the next uncertain journey out to sea.
That safe haven for a child may be a parent or grandparent; for the teenager it may be their bedroom where they can play their music and display their posters and art work; for the adult it could be the home, the family, their job, the club or society, or many other places and/or people.
As we get older and hopefully wiser, we recognise that people die, that jobs and even homes can ‘disappear’ in uncertain and difficult times. We must find our harbour within. With the knowledge that we are spirit now, that we have that loving connection with others even if they are no longer with us physically. Remember that our spirit ‘guide’ is always there for us, we are never alone.