The Lynwood Fellowship

For Spiritual & Metaphysical Studies

Registered Charity 287430

Meditations - Opportunities to Reflect

Each meditation is designed for occasional or daily meditations or contemplations and they consist of four parts that can be used together or separately, in order to give greater scope and flexibility.

There is a photograph. This can be used on its own, to give a starting point for thoughts and reflections. They were taken in different locations at different times of the year, showing both the natural and man-made aspects of the environment, sometimes in close-up, sometimes as a scene. Then there is a word. This word will relate to the photograph either directly or indirectly. However, you have a choice to use the word in conjunction with the photograph or to use the word by itself. Then you’ll find a thesaurus section. This enables you to choose a different word, though usually similar to the main one. It gives variation and subtle nuance in its meaning and expression, and enables you to take a fresh approach to each card many times. Finally, if you click through to read more, there is a piece of writing by myself. This will reflect some of my thoughts on the choice of word and photograph. You are at will to think about these personal thoughts or disregard them altogether.

I hope you will find these “meditation cards” useful and interesting, a change and a stimulus to your times of contemplation and meditation.

Mike Doig

The Lynwood Fellowship - Meditations


Thesaurus: past, bygone days, olden times, antiquity, days of yore, chronicle, record, account, archive, background, life story.

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The Lynwood Fellowship - Meditations


Thesaurus: patience, acceptance, passive consent, broadmindedness, open-mindedness, liberality, sufferance, forbearance, calmness, understanding, endurance, forgiveness, variation.

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The Lynwood Fellowship - Meditations


Thesaurus: mirror image, likeness, refraction, shine, glisten, hindsight, thoughtfulness, symbolic, observation.

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The Lynwood Fellowship - Meditations


Thesaurus: House of God, holy place, church, mosque, synagogue, shrine, sanctuary, cathedral, place of worship, forehead, brow.

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The Lynwood Fellowship - Meditation


Thesaurus: receptivity, welcome, assent, consent, acquiescence, compliance, compromise, adoption, forbearance, belief, trust, faith, confirmation, undertaking.

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The Lynwood Fellowship - Meditations


Thesaurus: signature, seal, mark, emblem, cipher, endorse, portent, miracle, omen, indication, warning, signal, foghorn, siren, gesture, wink, gesticulate, recruit, hire, enlist.

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The Lynwood Fellowship - Meditations


Thesaurus: flake white, titanium white, zinc white, Chinese white, bleach, pale, white as a sheet, albino, pure, moral, virginal, innocent, snow, chalk, marble, ivory, milky, Caucasian, fresh, spotless, White House, white stick, white hot, white feather, white elephant, white noise, white flag, white magic, white lie, White Paper, White Ensign, white goods, whitewash.

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The Lynwood Fellowship - Meditations


Thesaurus: relax, ease, take a break, holiday, interval, breathing space, halt, unwind, recharge one’s batteries, support, repose, sleep, snooze, depend, be positioned, remainder, residue, surplus.

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The Lynwood Fellowship - Meditation


Thesaurus: sky-blue, azure, aquamarine, turquoise, indigo, sapphire, navy, ultramarine, cobalt, Prussian blue, cerulean, woad, lapis lazuli, depressed, sad, fed up, honour: Cambridge/Oxford blue, pornographic, erotic, risqué, blue language, blue film, blue blood, blue-stocking.

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The Lynwood Fellowship - Meditations


Thesaurus: might, strength, energy, ability, capacity, potential, authority, control, forcefulness, capacity, influence, charisma, vigour, competence, eloquence, dominance, mastery, nation, grunt.

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The Lynwood Fellowship - Meditations


Thesaurus: courtesy, respect, benevolence, quid pro quo, thoughtfulness, caring, taking into account, attention, estimate, reward.

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The Lynwood Fellowship - Meditations


Thesaurus: Payne’s grey, gunmetal, slate, colourless, neutral, drab, cold, somber, murky, ashen, ambiguous, dull, overcast, tedious, monotonous, boring, unremarkable, the Greys, grey hair, pepper and salt, greyhound, grey economy, Grey Friar.

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The Lynwood Fellowship - Meditations


Thesaurus: citrus fruit, Seville, navel orange, clementine, mandarin, tangerine, Mars orange, cadmium orange, old gold, marmalade, orangery, orange juice, orangeade, Orange Order, House of Orange.

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The Lynwood Fellowship - Meditations


Thesaurus: shore, coast, beach, sands, shingle, strand, water’s edge, lido, pleasure ground.

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The Lynwood Fellowship - Meditations


Thesaurus: feel, touch, appearance, finish, surface, pattern, substance.

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The Lynwood Fellowship - Meditations


Thesaurus: substantial, real, solid, tangible, definite, physical, material, visible, firm, positive, genuine, bona fide, specific.

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The Lynwood Fellowship - Meditations


Thesaurus: monument, cenotaph, plaque, cairn, shine, mausoleum, tribute, remembrance, gravestone, memento, commemoration.

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The Lynwood Fellowship - Meditations


Thesaurus: waste, refuse, trash, spoilage, debris, litter, junk, garbage, flotsam and jetsam, criticise, find fault, disparage, besmirch, nonsense, claptrap, drivel, gobbledegook, twaddle, boloney.

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The Lynwood Fellowship - Meditations


Thesaurus: safeguard, preservation, defence, loving care, conservation, guardianship, screen, restriction, insurance, precaution, cover, armour, shelter, barrier.

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The Lynwood Fellowship - Meditation


Thesaurus: personality, temperament, nature, mentality, reputation, type, sort, essence, quality, integrity, identity, spirit, uniqueness, trait, non-conformist, eccentric, theatrical part, letter, sign, symbol, figure.

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The Lynwood Fellowship - Meditations


Thesaurus: error, slip, gaffe, blunder, wrong impression, omission, oversight, misunderstand, misjudge, misinterpretation, wrong end of the stick, barking up the wrong tree.

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The Lynwood Fellowship - Meditations


Thesaurus: hedgehog, sea-urchin, hunchback, elf or imp, mischievous child, waif, rascal, whippersnapper, ragamuffin, mudlark, nipper, little monkey.

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The Lynwood Fellowship - Meditations


Thesaurus: cold, freezing, ice crystals, rime, hoarfrost, ground frost, verglas, Jack Frost, frostbite, make opaque, frosted glass, stiffness, coldness, unfriendly.

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The Lynwood Fellowship - Meditations


Thesaurus: precipice, rock face, bluff, escarpment, scar, scarp, steep, crag, ridge, stack, overhang, gorge, ravine.

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The Lynwood Fellowship - Meditations


Thesaurus: foremost part, face, façade, exterior, foreground, foreword, prelude, front line, battleground, leading position, priority, vanguard, pioneer, avant-garde, demeanor, public face, cover, disguise, smokescreen, part facing the sea, weather front.

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The Lynwood Fellowship - Meditations


Thesaurus: decomposition, breakdown, erosion, crumble, decline, perish, rot, deteriorate, go to pot.

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The Lynwood Fellowship - Meditations


Thesaurus: motif, design, composition, structure, form, model, example, prototype, decoration, arrangement, uniformity, plan, rule.

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The Lynwood Fellowship - Meditations


Thesaurus: proportional view, vista, distance, depth, convergent view, outlook, interpretation, stance, approach, aspect, relative position, frame of reference, spatial distribution, in ratio.

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The Lynwood Fellowship - Meditations


Thesaurus: empty, void, extract, remove, filter, evacuate, cleanse, draw off, eliminate, clearance, flow, bleed, deplete, exhaust, fatigue, sink, ditch, gutter, sewer.

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The Lynwood Fellowship - Meditations


Thesaurus: demise, passing, eternal rest, extinction, destruction, decay, end, non-existence, obliteration, elimination, the Grim Reaper.

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The Lynwood Fellowship - Meditations


Thesaurus: H2O, Adam’s ale, river, sea, ocean, lake, steam, ice, rain, snow, wet, moisten, sprinkle, irrigate, saturate, hydrate, dilute, moderate, weaken, water down.

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The Lynwood Fellowship - Meditations


Thesaurus: change, alteration, modification, metamorphosis, sea change, transfiguration, reorganisation, renewal, transmutation, conversion, revolution.

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The Lynwood Fellowship - Meditations


Thesaurus: attempt, try for, pursue, struggle, toil, apply oneself, effort, undertaking, plan, venture, enterprise, application, scheme, project.

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The Lynwood Fellowship - Meditations


Thesaurus: stop, danger, alizarin, scarlet, crimson, burgundy, vermilion, carmine, madder, cerise, rose, dragon’s blood, ruby, garnet, cochineal, hot, angry, blush, ruddy, bloodshot, ginger, red herring, Communist, red card, red tape, red-light district, Red Cross, red carpet, redneck, in the red, red blooded, red ensign.

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The Lynwood Fellowship - Meditations


Thesaurus: sustain, strengthen, endorse, validate, reinforce, maintain, assist, hearten, champion, brace, underpinning, look after.

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The Lynwood Fellowship - Meditation


Thesaurus: lampblack, ivory black, Indian ink, dark, dirty, dismal, foul, malignant, horrible, evil, night, dusky, dark pigmentation, charred, mourning, black-tie, blackout, blacklist, blackmail, black sheep, Black Death, black ice, Black Stone, blackberry, black magic, black economy, black as a tinker’s pot, blackball.

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The Lynwood Fellowship - Meditations


Thesaurus: building, putting up, establishment, erection, assembly, arrangement, structure, creation, composition, fabrication, interpretation, meaning.

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The Lynwood Fellowship - Meditations


Thesaurus: bright, happy, bullion, gold bar, coin, solid gold, gold reserve, winner, first, gold medal, gold star, golden boy/girl, crock of gold, golden oldie, gold standard, golden wedding, golden mean, gold digger, golden age, Golden Fleece, golden touch, golden handshake, golden calf, golden hello, good as gold.

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The Lynwood Fellowship - Meditations


Thesaurus: quiescence, motionlessness, passivity, placid, repose, silence, hush, peacefulness, calm, at rest, unstirring, inactive, stationary, serene, undisturbed, tranquility.

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The Lynwood Fellowship - Meditations


Thesaurus: path, trail, track, passage, direction, course, approach, strategy, sequence of changes or events, progression.

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The Lynwood Fellowship - Meditations


Thesaurus: sunshine, lemon, canary, gamboge, cadmium yellow, Naples yellow, yellow ochre, buttercup, daffodil, honey, blonde, flaxen, gild, sallow, unhealthy, jaundice, yellow fever, sulphur, cowardly, yellow streak, yellow-belly, yellow peril, Yellow Pages, yellow lines, yellow flag.

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The Lynwood Fellowship - Meditation


Thesaurus: viaduct, aqueduct, flyover, overpass, link, connection, bond, cross, span, arch over, join, straddle, connect, unite, reconcile.

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The Lynwood Fellowship - Meditations


Thesaurus: emerald, jade, viridian, lime, moss, mint, olive, avocado, pea- green, bottle-green, Lincoln green, sea-green, chartreuse, loden, vert, chlorophyll, unripe, immature, inexperienced, gullible, pale sickly, envy, jealousy, grassy, verdant, supple, pliable, ecological, environmental, village green, Green Party, green fingers, green light, go, Green Man, Green Beret.

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The Lynwood Fellowship - Meditations


Thesaurus: refuge, asylum, retreat, temple, dwelling, sanctuary, haven, protect, defend, safeguard, cover, shield, screen, secret place.

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The Lynwood Fellowship - Meditations


Thesaurus: embedded or basal part, foundations, source, beginnings, nub, essence, ancestors, heritage, homeland, community, searches, pokes about, etymology, applaud, encourage, rootstock, bulbs, rhizomes, tubers, corms.

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The Lynwood Fellowship - Meditation


Thesaurus: bistre, sepia, ochre, raw and burnt sienna, raw and burnt umber, Vandyke brown, tobacco, chocolate, toffee, hazel, mahogany, walnut, brunette, sear, singe, toasted, swarthy, suntan, brown as a berry, Brown Owl, Brownie, Brownshirt, browned off, brown fat, brown bread, brown rice.

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The Lynwood Fellowship - Meditations


Thesaurus: knowing, awareness, warning, moral sense, ethics, principles, beliefs, innermost thought, inner voice, sense of right and wrong, scruples, fairness, ‘still small voice’, prisoner of conscience, conscientious objector.

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The Lynwood Fellowship - Meditations


Thesaurus: port, marina, haven, waterfront, anchorage, shelter, place of safety, sanctuary, accommodate, shield, protect, nurse, cling to.

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The Lynwood Fellowship - Meditations


Thesaurus: stability, equilibrium, steadiness, impartiality, fairness, symmetry, counteract, residue, compare, scales.

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The Lynwood Fellowship - Meditation


Thesaurus: graveyard, burial ground, necropolis, churchyard, catacombs, boneyard, God’s Acre, garden of rest or remembrance.

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The Lynwood Fellowship - Meditations


Thesaurus: blackness, night, pitch black, murk, gloom, dusk, twilight, gloaming, mysterious, obscure, unsure, unsafe, shadow, evil, wickedness, iniquity, immorality.

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